I got in a nostalgic mood lately, thinking about the long gone days when I made a Z80 slave CPU for my BBC model B computer and ported CP/M 2.2 (and later ZCPR3) to it as well.
All of the buildings, all of those cars
were once just a dream
in somebody's head
Mercy Street - Peter Gabriel
I got in a nostalgic mood lately, thinking about the long gone days when I made a Z80 slave CPU for my BBC model B computer and ported CP/M 2.2 (and later ZCPR3) to it as well.
I’m the lucky owner of a Devialet Expert Pro 250 (which started as the D Premier many moons ago) driving a pair of Martin Logan CLX Art. (Yes, it’s as good as the many raving reviews say. If you have to chance to buy one, don’t hesitate).
Now that we have a nice enclosure, time to put everything inside.
For the enclosure I wanted something special and not some boring metal or 3D printed box most projects end up in (if at all). For this I found inspiration with DIY Perks on YouTube.
Since it’s a bit hard to get a dedicated wire into my house just to transfer the measurements to where I want to see them, I decided to try out a wireless solution. I ended up using the very inexpensive 433 MHz RF modules for Arduino which seems to work well for me since the signal only has to cover a distance of a few meters. On the other hand, the sender will be located below ground level and there is a metal lid above it as well that can block the signal.